The Book of Tells: How To Read People’s Minds From Their Actions.

London: Doubleday, 2003.
A Tell is an action that tells you what someone is thinking - even if that person doesn't know it themselves...
Did you know that the way you stand, how you position your elbows, move your feet or hands, says a lot about how dominant or submissive you feel? Or that when you're trying to hide your feelings, your sexual attitudes are betrayed by your eyes and mouth? Even the way you smile - and the facial muscles you use - shows whether you are genuinely happy or faking it! These are Tells, and they are highly revealing. In fact, wherever you are and whatever you're doing, your movements provide important clues about your state of mind.
The book surveys a broad range of tells – including dominant tells, submissive tells, conversation tells, political tells, greeting tells, royal tells, anxiety tells, sexual tells, lying tells, foreign tells and smoking tells. By keeping an eye out for other people’s tells you’ll be able to understand their emotions and what they’re trying to achieve. By watching out for your own tells, you’ll be in a better position to discover what you’re unwittingly revealing to others about yourself.
"A fascinating journey into the science of body language, teaching us how to identify and take control of our "tells". You're sure to learn more about the secrets you're exposing and what the world is telling you. Mesmerizing!' The Good Book Guide
'Collett leaves no hand unturned, no body part or population group unexamined for nuance of thought or motor expression. Much of what he says is equivocal, all of it interesting, some fascinating, not a boring line in sight...' Human Nature
See Foreign Editions.
A Tell is an action that tells you what someone is thinking - even if that person doesn't know it themselves...
Did you know that the way you stand, how you position your elbows, move your feet or hands, says a lot about how dominant or submissive you feel? Or that when you're trying to hide your feelings, your sexual attitudes are betrayed by your eyes and mouth? Even the way you smile - and the facial muscles you use - shows whether you are genuinely happy or faking it! These are Tells, and they are highly revealing. In fact, wherever you are and whatever you're doing, your movements provide important clues about your state of mind.
The book surveys a broad range of tells – including dominant tells, submissive tells, conversation tells, political tells, greeting tells, royal tells, anxiety tells, sexual tells, lying tells, foreign tells and smoking tells. By keeping an eye out for other people’s tells you’ll be able to understand their emotions and what they’re trying to achieve. By watching out for your own tells, you’ll be in a better position to discover what you’re unwittingly revealing to others about yourself.
"A fascinating journey into the science of body language, teaching us how to identify and take control of our "tells". You're sure to learn more about the secrets you're exposing and what the world is telling you. Mesmerizing!' The Good Book Guide
'Collett leaves no hand unturned, no body part or population group unexamined for nuance of thought or motor expression. Much of what he says is equivocal, all of it interesting, some fascinating, not a boring line in sight...' Human Nature
See Foreign Editions.