Image by Roland Unger, Wikimedia Commons
How to spot a winner
Fitzdares Times
Facial clues help you identify champions - 15 June 2017
What does Trump’s body language say about his mindset? Let us count the ways
The Globe & Mail
What happened when Trump met Macron - 26 May 2017
What does Donald Trump’s handshake say about him?
The Guardian
Trump's handshake takes the form of a yank-shake - 15 February 2017
The seven faces of Donald Trump – a psychologist’s view
The Guardian
The Seven faces of Trump - 15 January 2017
What body language tells us about the second presidential debate
The Guardian
The second presidential debate between Clinton and Trump - 10 October 2016
The Brexit Carnival
The Huff Post
The Brexit Campaign is compared to a medieval carnival - 5 September 2016
Eyes on the prize
Fitzdares Times
Victory and defeat at the Olympics - 1 June 2016
The special relationship decoded: Obama and Cameron's body language tells us plenty
The Guardian |
David Cameron and Barack Obama display the "attention structure" observed in troops of chimpanzees. - 16 January 2015
G20 body language decoded: a spring in Obama's step but no pat for Putin
The Guardian |
Greeting between Putin and Obama more reserved than normal, while Cameron's reception is cordial and businesslike. - 5 Sept 2013
The Queen-McGuinness handshake: what the body language revealed
The Guardian |
The actions of the Queen and Martin McGuinness suggest one of them was more invested in the handshake than the other. - 27 Jun 2012
Cameron and Clegg show united front, but it's a long way from the rose garden
The Guardian |
The gentle banter and bonhomie has been replaced by a display of seriousness in a far more down-to-earth setting. - 8 May 2012
François Hollande and Angela Merkel: the body language
The Guardian |
Formal handshakes – none of those awkward kisses that the German leader and Sarkozy used to lavish on each other. - 16 May 2012
Phone hacking: Rupert and James Murdoch's careful body language
The Guardian |
Murdoch pair use carefully prepared posturing such as emphatic gestures and controlled pauses at MPs' committee hearing. - 19 July 2011
Obama uses his deep voice and jutting jaw to project authority
The Guardian |
It wasn't just what the president said – it was the way he said it that made him look purposeful and visionary. - 25 May 2011
Queen's body language reveals no upper hand in symbolic handshake
The Guardian |
Irish President Mary McAleese dispensed with her telltale 'I'm-in-charge nappy pat' but neither did she dip her head or bend her knee. - 17 May 2011
An article on untrustworthy body language
DailyMail |
What can body language give away about how trustworthy someone is?
- 6 January 2011 |
Body language: Move to leadership is in the eyes
The Guardian |
During his speech the wide-eyed look was replaced by a narrowing of the eyes, making him look more threatening. - 28 September 2010
How Ed Miliband's body language gave away Labour leadership results
The Guardian |
Poker faces in front of TV audience were not enough to stop the five candidates revealing the winner. - 26 September 2010
Is Nick Clegg metamorphosing into David Cameron?
The Guardian |
Nick Clegg's body language shows he is getting even more like David Cameron. - 20 September 2010
An article on Tony Hayward's body language
The Telegraph |
When questioned about the BP oil spill Tony Hayward's body language gave away more than he wanted; Peter Collett uncovers. - 18 Jun 2010
The coalition cabinet's body language
The Guardian |
We asked Tim Dowling and body language expert Peter Collett to analyse this photograph of the first meeting of the Conservative-Liberal Democrat cabinet. - 13 May 2010
David Cameron's body language reminds Nick Clegg who's in charge
The Guardian |
Handshakes, back slaps, head nods and laughter give clues to likely future relationship between coalition partners. - 12 May 2010
What stars really think: watch their TV body language
The Guardian |
Psychologist Peter Collett reckons he knows whether Blair was telling porkies, Brüno and Em were faking it, and how Simon Cowell stays top dog. - 20 February 2010
Zambia boldly goes
NewStatesman |
In the recent celebrations of the moon landings 40 years ago, the space race between the Americans and the Russians has been the focus of attention. Little do people realise that Zambia was also in the running to be the first to place a man on the moon. - 30 July 2009
Expert view: first meeting of Gordon Brown's new cabinet
The Guardian |
Today the cameras were allowed into the cabinet room to record the first meeting of Gordon Brown's new cabinet, which of course was only new in name because only three of the people around the table are new additions, and at least one – Peter Hain – has returned through the revolving cabinet door. - 10 June 2009
The 'power touch' of Barack Obama at the G20 summit
The Guardian |
Ever since Air Force One touched down at Stansted, Barack Obama has been patting people on the back. Not only is he the most tactile US president of recent times - even more so than touchy-feely George Bush - he was the biggest slapper at the G20 summit. - 3 April 2009
An article on optimism in the recession
The Telegraph |
Peter writes about the importance of positive thinking during the recession. - 17 March 2009
An article on Gordon Brown's greeting with George Bush
DailyMail |
Peter talks about Gordon Brown's handshake-slip-up in his meeting with George Bush. - 19 June 2008
Martin and Ian on the couch
Belfast Telegraph |
Oxford psychologist Dr Peter Collett analyses the relationship between Paisley and McGuinness in tonight's BBC One NI documentary The Honeymooners and says it's abundantly clear there was a real chemistry between the Chuckles. - 9 June 2008
Keeping and Eye on Big Brother
The Psychologist
Peter examines the psychology of the big brother house - October 2001. The Psychologist, Vol 14, No. 10, pp 510 -511, 2001